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One Week!!!

13 12 2013

One week ago my super hero went in for his surgery.  I am so happy to report he is doing wonderful!!!  I am so very proud of him.  This time last week I had no idea what was going to happen and Friday AM I thought I was going in to say goodbye.  We got the test results back today on the tests I asked her to run Monday.  I can’t believe this but we STILL have no idea what is going on!  And not only that, but a lump i had been concerned about for months was just fatty tissue, not cancerous!  The fluid, came back showing inflammation, but still…nothing.  So in the end… there is a possibility that there is no cancer.   So who knows now?  My vet has never been this stumped in all of her 20 yrs of practice.

Salem is so amazing.  I am so very glad I followed my heart and listened to what *I* thought.  I could have very well put him down, I could have went with everyone else and be sitting here not having my little buddy with me.  Instead, I could very well have him for a long time.

What a road we are traveling together!!!



10 responses to “One Week!!!”

    13 12 2013
      fourminipups (04:02:10) :     Reply

    I love good news. Salem is going to show us how tough a tripawd is!

    Take care-
    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

      13 12 2013
        salembynxmommy (07:02:26) :     Reply

      yes he will!!!

    13 12 2013
      murphsmom (04:43:11) :     Reply

    What great news, Kindi! Three paws up!

    Kathi and Murphy

      13 12 2013
        salembynxmommy (07:02:14) :     Reply

      Thanks!!!!! <3

    13 12 2013
      benny55 (05:28:14) :     Reply

    Ohhhhhh, I’ve been waiting for another updat…and HOPING it would be a good one!
    Well worth the wait! This is the best one could hope for!

    Soooooo glad yo followed your heart AND listened to Salem telling you he still has a lot of life in him!

    Since no one can figure out what’s going on, I say let’s just assume NOTHING’S going on and get on living life to the fullest! And pain free!!

    I’m so happy for you both! Extra snuggles and treats for Salem!

    Hugs AND applause to you!

    Sally and Hapy Hannah

    13 12 2013
      benny55 (05:33:32) :     Reply

    PS….Sorry I missed your post avout the “check-up” last week……I just saw it. It doesn’t matter though…this is the one that really couts!

      13 12 2013
        salembynxmommy (07:01:59) :     Reply

      Its ok!!! I was behind a day or two anyway hahaha.

    13 12 2013
      cldavis (07:43:20) :     Reply

    Hurray! Happy one weeeeeek!!! I’m so glad that things are going well for your handsome boy! 😀 And I am VERY happy to hear that it looks like it wasn’t cancer. What a relief!!!

    Sending our love!
    – Fangers & Mommy

    13 12 2013
      Linda Morrice (10:46:43) :     Reply

    So glad to hear you got great news and that Salem is doing great!

    I’m glad you followed our heart and got a second opinion from a very caring vet!

    Linda and Tucker

    14 12 2013
      treacyb (11:40:53) :     Reply

    hello! Salem is such a gorgeous boy…glad to hear that things are going so well for you both.
    thanks again for your help yesterday and today. What a wonderful support group this is.
    I am looking forward to a more relaxing day tomorrow !

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